Tara Hunt on customer service by brands on Twitter

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson.
Earlier this month I posted about a Social Media Breakfast Ottawa presentation from Tara Hunt, who suggested that the customer-service successes of Comcast may be overblown.
Following the breakfast, I also sat down with Tara for a video interview that included some questions about her Comcast remarks.
* Tara Hunt contends that the “celebration” over Comcast’s efforts on Twitter is “premature.”
* Tara compares the Comcast Twitter story to Zappos’.
* Tara explains why a business should use/create social media as an output rather than an input.
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This video was recorded and edited by Simon Chen, senior consultant at Ramius and co-organizer of Ottawa’s monthly Social Media Breakfast series, and is divided into three parts:
Part 2: Tara’s advice for brands that want to interact with customers online without forcing products and services on them.
Part 3: Brand representatives jumping into social media conversations: helpful or creepy?