Sprucing up your Facebook status updates

You thought you had it right, but those Facebook status updates for your business or brand just aren’t garnering the attention you expected. It’s time to change your approach to how you post. Here are some suggestions on how to do just that:
You already said that! Don’t be repetitive.
Be compelling. Create a hook to reel your fans in.
- You can say your product is the best, but will that really generate interest? The current Old Spice television ad campaign — marketing an old, familiar product with a new, vibrant message — has created plenty of buzz. Stay away from “Our shampoo will give your hair great body and shine,” and try, “Be a head-turner; make them want YOUR hair!”
- Keep it short and to the point.
Ask and they will answer.
People like to share their thoughts and opinions on Facebook — so ask for them! HolyClothing regularly solicits comments from fans on designs and modifications they’re considering for their existing clothing line.
- Polls are a great tool. Make answers relevant but smart, mining valuable data in a clever way.
- Frame it. If you simply ask “what they think” of your shampoo, you might get unwanted answers on the Wall. Instead, frame potential answers in a positive light, with a fill-in-the-blank opportunity. For example: “XYZ shampoo brightens my _________.”
- Make it easy. Facebook is fast-paced, so make your question appropriate for the short-and-sweet reply. Often a “yes” or “no” question will fit the bill.
Humor and laughter really sell.
There’s too much bad news out there, isn’t there? Brighten your fans’ day with uplifting content. The John Fugelsang Page regularly keeps viewers laughing with witty observations on current events.
- Make people smile. Be funny, silly, friendly, and warm.
- Post the occasional funny story or good joke. Share a cartoon or photo guaranteed to make people laugh.
Intrigue attracts.
People love to try to figure out what’s going on. Tease your readers to elicit responses. Southern Tier Brewing Company has been tapping the zeal of beer lovers by counting down to an upcoming craft beer festival (see screenshot below).
- Leak info about an upcoming product release in a clever way.
- Encourage a countdown, such as “10 days till our Secret Saturday Special!”
Step out of the box.
The Musician Lutenist, Craig of Farrington entertains his readers each day with a new romantic quote. While engagement is fair, Page fans might be more inclined to respond if he also talked about his music, music of the period, and Renaissance instruments. Use your status updates to talk about your fans’ interests — even if that means you’re not always staying “on message.” Mix up your relevant posts up with alternate topics to get readers engaged:
- Change of season/weather
- Holiday happenings
- Major sporting events or festivals
Say it with pictures or links.
A photo is compelling, and links to stories that your fans can relate to will further solidify your relationship. BBC Earth keeps its Facebook fans involved with photos of animals and nature, hoping to inspire their readers with the beauty of the planet.
- Use a photo, and ask a question about it.
- Tie the visual or verbal to your product in a not-so-obvious fashion. In our shampoo scenario, a link to a new, attractive hairstyle photo or article about new hairstyles will associate your product with great-looking hair.
While photographer Clyde Butcher posts a great mix of photography-related, personal promotional, and environment-friendly content, it’s his interaction that really galvanizes readers, who appreciate that he’s taking the time to respond. If you interact with those who have commented on your status updates, they’ll be more likely to jump in to comment in the future.
This post is part of an ongoing “31 Days of Facebook Marketing” series from LiveWorld.