Is Your Company at Risk for Brand Schizophrenia?

At so many companies, the marketing mix is divided into silos. Social media is often bolted on as an afterthought, and frequently handled by a number of different agencies or individuals. The result is often “schizophrenic” messaging, the inconsistency of which confuses and scares off customers.
We once had a client whose Facebook page was managed by the social agency but whose community web site was managed by the digital agency. Same brand, same country, subsets of the same marketing team. It seemed to work for a while—until they started getting complaints from customers that the description of the product on the community site didn’t quite match what they were hearing from the brand on the Facebook page. Turns out customers go across social channels and notice such things even when a brand doesn’t. The customers were getting annoyed. Which was the correct message, and why were they different?
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