Connecting to your Facebook fans on nights and weekends

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson
If your brand only publishes Facebook Wall posts during traditional business hours, you’re missing out on additional opportunities to connect with your fans. Here’s why:
* Just because you are offline at night or on weekends doesn’t mean your fans are, too. In fact, they could be spending more time on Facebook during non-business hours.
In a Facebook-led event for marketers last week, for example, the company shared the story of a major diaper brand that regularly generates high engagement around content published at 9:00pm, when moms have put their kids to bed and are coming back online.
Similarly, sports leagues and teams routinely garner tons of likes and comments to Facebook posts made during and just after games and live events, when fans are checking their News Feed (often on a mobile device) and are excited to weigh in with a thought or two on the action. See this screenshot below of a status update from the Boston Red Sox made just after 11:00pm local time last night. Red Sox nation was jumping!
Weekends are made for sharing. Research from both HubSpot and Buddy Media has found that Facebook users are primed to consume and share content on the weekends, when they’re “off the clock” themselves. And the more your brand’s Wall content is shared, the more visibility it picks up across your fans’ News Feeds. Feed that tendency by publishing “shareable” content on Saturday and Sunday: a lighthearted anecdote or poll question, or an entertaining video.
Your fans are awake “somewhere.” Mid-afternoon in LA means dinner time in New York, midnight in London, and morning tea in Sydney. If you’re working for an international brand, in particular, you have fans around the globe who are living and working on very different clocks to yours. Posting at unusual times of the day in your location could translate into the sweet spot for those far-flung followers.
Good Facebook marketing almost always comes down to testing and tweaking, and it’s no different when deciding on the right time of day to post new content. Experiment with status updates at various times of the day and week, and determine what works best on your Page, and for your fans.
This post is part of an ongoing “31 Days of Facebook Marketing” series from LiveWorld. We can help you post and respond to your Facebook fans on nights and weekends, too!