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Category: Uncategorized

Curation helps brands make sense of the social media onslaught

post by: Jenna Woodul

If you’re focused on managing a brand, you’re faced with overwhelming waves of data advancing on you from and about your customers, prospects, critics, and competitors. No doubt your listening applications fill up quickly with the 24-hour spidering of posts, and associated charts categorize them as negative, positive, and neutral. While automation makes it possible […]

LiveWorld Curator for moderation and insight

post by: Jenna Woodul

A massive amount of content that could be of interest to your customers floods the web every day. It may be what people are saying about your brand or what they’re saying about your industry — or current events that fall into the sphere of your brand culture, or even seasonal topics. While it’s great to be […]

Who's minding your brand's Facebook Page at 3am?

Just because your brand team is sound asleep in the middle of night doesn’t mean your customers and Facebook fans are. And if they regularly visit your Page with questions, complaints, or customer-services issue that simply can’t wait until morning to be addressed, good business would dictate having someone available to monitor incoming content and then […]

How brands can solve their Facebook XXX content problems

Bad content online is not unusual and not a show-stopper for brands. Spam, problematic content such as bad language, hate threats, and harassing behavior online are not unusual or bad things to pin on Facebook. They’re just the nature of online community, and have been since the early days in the mid-’80s through AOL and […]

CMAD: A salute to community managers

post by: Jenna Woodul

In its second year, today’s Community Manager Appreciation Day (CMAD) was started to thank those folks who work on behalf of customers, trying to improve their online experience, represent the community to brand management, and speak for brands to the community. Community Managers spend their time making online environments feel comfortable, initiating and supporting customs that create […]

5 top Facebook marketing tips

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson Don’t forget to make your company’s Facebook Page human …  especially if you want to reach humans! That was one of my favorite takeaway from yesterday’s outstanding MarketingProfs webinar on Facebook marketing by Ekaterina Walter (pictured), a social media strategist at Intel. Ekaterina’s talk mixed big-picture Facebook marketing strategy for businesses and brands with the nitty-gritty […]

We are what we say: Why and how news outlets and politicians must manage the talk and behavior they influence

Written by Peter Friedman and Jenna Woodul In the wake of last week’s shooting in Arizona, debate rages about whether the vitriolic dialogue in politics and news is a cause of the tragedy.We don’t know a direct link exists from that discourse to this disturbed young man’s actions. But we do know that words count. […]