LiveWorld - Presentation on Facebook pharma changes
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Presentation on Facebook pharma changes

Changes are coming to Facebook that will require pharma companies to allow fan comments on their Wall posts. And in the presentation below, LiveWorld Chief Community Officer Jenna Woodul shares how pharma marketers should prepare for this new two-way environment.   Pharma Facebook Changes View more presentations from LiveWorld ——   This post is part […]

Top tweets and takeaways from our Facebook NFO panel

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson. I had a blast moderating a panel discussion on Facebook News Feed optimization at the BlogWorld & New Media Expo in New York City this year. Sharing the stage with three other marketers — Helen Todd from Sociality Squared, Chad Wittman from EdgeRank Checker, and Dennis Yu from BlitzLocal and […]

Slides from Facebook News Feed Optimization panel

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson. Earlier today at BlogWorld & New Media Expo in New York, I led a panel on Facebook News Feed Optimization, and why it matters to marketers. Along with Helen Todd of Sociality Squared, Chad Wittman of EdgeRank Checker, and Dennis Yu is CEO at BlitzLocal, our hour-long discussion covered best practices for creating engaging content, […]

Content strategy planning for brands on Facebook

One catch phrase making the rounds in social media circles is, “Content is king.” Indeed, content has the potential to engage your readers and customers — but it can also put them to sleep. Content can have your fans talking about your company or brand, or it can have them scrolling past your status update […]

How Facebook Insights impacts News Feed Optimization

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson How are you using Facebook Insights to measure your brand’s ongoing marketing efforts? Helen Todd from Sociality Squared will join on me a Facebook News Feed Optimization panel later this week at BlogWorld & New Media Expo to discuss that very question. But until then …  here’s Helen’s initial take on how she sees and […]

How often to publish Facebook Wall posts

  Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson How frequently should you publish new status updates to your company or brand’s Facebook Page? It’s one of the most common questions bandied about by Facebook marketers, and it’s a topic we’ll be tackling head on during a panel on Facebook News Feed Optimization that I’m leading next Wednesday afternoon […]

Getting ready for Facebook pharma changes

post by: Jenna Woodul

Facebook has decided to no longer allow pharma companies to “whitelist” their Pages. What this means: Up until now, pharma companies with Facebook Pages could request that Facebook disable the ability for people to comment on and/or Like brand posts. This exception should not be confused with the ability every Page has to disable the capability for […]

Grade your Facebook Page with our Social Scorecard

Now that marketers everywhere have hopped on the social media marketing bandwagon, the next big wave of discussions and advancement across the industry will focus on measurement, analytics, and insight. Call Phase One officially over; the paradigm shift has occurred. No one is asking “should I be doing social media marketing?” anymore. The big question in […]

The value of Facebook advertising: a Q&A with Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu, the CEO of Blitzmetrics, is the best guy I know for helping brands to integrate Facebook advertising into their overall marketing plans. He’s sharp and opinionated, which is why I know he’ll make such an outstanding contributor to my panel on best practices in Facebook News Feed Optimization (NFO) at BlogWorld & New Media Expo next week […]

Connecting to your Facebook fans on nights and weekends

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson If your brand only publishes Facebook Wall posts during traditional business hours, you’re missing out on additional opportunities to connect with your fans. Here’s why: * Just because you are offline at night or on weekends doesn’t mean your fans are, too. In fact, they could be spending more time on Facebook during non-business hours. In […]