LiveWorld - LiveWorld believes in the transformative power of online dialogue and relationships.
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LiveWorld believes in the transformative power of online dialogue and relationships.

Everything we do starts here. Traditional advertising, digital, and PR marketing push broadcast messages at customers. We reject that. We concentrate on creating a brand experience for your customers in the context of social media, through dialogue and relationships. We reject one-size-fits-all and instead design technology that leverages human sensitivity and delivers true engagement, scalable […]

The Emmy Awards: An Approach to Social Media

Blog post based on Ryan Morris’ article “Brand Approach to Social Media: Where’s the Party?” from December 19, 2012.  We’ve always thought of social media as a gathering of people — a party that the brand throws for its customers – similar to the Emmy Awards gathering the finest in the television industry, a celebration […]

Would You Make Any of These Mistakes in a Social Media Crisis?

Social media PR crises hit companies like tornados—out of nowhere and with deadly force. Really, that’s no surprise. Social media is a medium many companies still aren’t comfortable communicating in. Couple that with the fact that many companies hand their social media keys to part-time, sometimes inexperienced staff, or outside agencies that don’t have depth […]

Six Lessons from 29 Years of Experience in Social

I’ve been building relationships for companies through online community and social media for 29 years, starting from my earliest work at Apple with a product called Desktop Express and the Apple industry online community, AppleLink, and continuing to my present role as chairman and CEO of LiveWorld, which provides social content marketing solutions to major […]

Top CMO Challenges in Social Media—What’s Your Take?

Most of the Fortune 500 CMOs understand the benefits of social media—more brand awareness for the marketing buck, customer service improvements, heightened customer loyalty, and growth in sales, to name a few. As marketing expert Jeff Hayzlett said to me when I interviewed him recently, “CMOs know social media is the right thing to do. […]

Who’s Doing Social Media Marketing Right?

As I gear up for the NG CMO Summit in September, I sat down to interview marketing expert Jeffrey Hayzlett. Jeff was one of the first CMOs, most famously at Kodak, to “get” social and successfully leverage its power to redefine brands and build customer relationships. Today he’s better known as a global business celebrity, […]

What Social Media Marketers Can Learn from Taxi Cabs in Havana, Cuba

Taking a cab in Havana, Cuba, is nothing like taking one in the United States. The taxis there are communal, but it’s not like being in U.S.-based public transportation either. In New York, for example, people on the subway read, listen to music or thumb their iPads. There’s not much eye contact and striking up […]

Peter Friedman – The Price of Business Interview

LiveWorld is a social content marketing company providing moderation, insight and engagement. A trusted partner to the world’s largest brands, LiveWorld provides a competitive advantage through management of user content, amplifying brand presence and increasing customer loyalty. Kevin Price talks to LiveWorld’s Chairman and CEO, Peter Friedman, to find out more about the company. What […]

What is Real Social Media Engagement?

At some point, every social media director has to sit down and show their boss that their social strategy is “working.” When that moment comes, they typically turn to an engagement metric—say, the ratio of average total of likes, comments and shares on posts to the total number of fans. This isn’t a bad metric. […]