LiveWorld - When Social is a Lifeline
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When Social is a Lifeline

“Crazy how reaching out through social media is the most efficient way to get things done. Thank you for helping my parents get their vaccine shots.” That was just one of the many comments consumers and patients reported about the powerful impact of social on their lives during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. From […]

Micro-influencers serve up big returns in social campaigns

Never underestimate the power of loyal ice cream lovers gone social! In just three weeks, they generated 70 posts, 37,000 impressions, 3,000 engagements, 500 clicks to site, an 8% engagement rate and influencer content for dozens more corporate posts. Those were the results micro-influencers delivered to our client, Rite Aid, to amplify its brand message, […]

Online Healthcare Communities: An Evolving Service Line Marketing Tactic

The pandemic upended and suspended hospital service line marketing. Fear of the hospital, suspension of treatments and procedures and general floating anxiety among HCPs, patients, and caregivers neutralized standard marketing tactics, leaving marketers with a need for alternative ways to message, reach, and persuade constituent audiences. One emerging tactic that combines a genuine level of […]

G-Med Enters the Walled Gardens Conversation


HCPs are social and curious. They make the most of their time away from direct patient care. Gated physician social communities, known as the “walled gardens” have become a thing. Just like mainstream social media, each private HCP-only platform offers its own experience. Sermo has become a leading social spot for HCPs for sharing drug […]