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Case Study CHPA

Case Study: Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA)

Talking to teens: Stop Medicine Abuse campaign

Empowering teens and parents about drug misuse prevention


The Stop Medicine Abuse campaign, backed by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, is an education and prevention campaign to alert parents about the problem of teen misuse of over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines. To combat this growing challenge, LiveWorld approached CHPA with the idea of running a pilot influencer program on TikTok, targeted towards parents, on the importance of having “the other drug talk” with kids.  


Parents have a checklist to safeguard their children as they grow – information they need, lessons they need to be taught, and situations and issues to be warned about. But the inherent dangers of drug and alcohol use may not be as easy for parents to discuss when their kids reach those impressionable teen years – and teens may not be as open to hearing it from them. Instead, the idea would be to tap credible influencers – with backgrounds counseling teenagers and parents – to create a compelling series about the dangers of OTC medicine abuse.  

LiveWorld conducted extensive organic research on TikTok, and hand-selected two influencers adept at offering parenting advice for parents of teens (grades 8-12) with safe, family-friendly content on their channels.


By selecting highly credible influencers who know how to talk to parents of teens, the campaign was designed to feel honest, open, and relatable. By encouraging better communication between parents and teens, the program could help reinforce the prospect of having “the other drug talk.” Part of that talk is centered in; reminding parentshat they have the power to prevent and reduce misuse and that it is ok for them to monitor teen medicinal use. The campaign also fostered a sense of community and provided shareable resources for parents who need additional information and support, driving them to the designated campaign site, StopMedicineAbuse. 

To spread the message and drive awareness, the influencers were asked to create a two-to-three-part video series supporting the Stop Medicine Abuse mission on TikTok. Influencers were given creative freedom to craft their stories talking to parents of teens about Dextromethorphan abuse among teens which helped ensure the most genuine and authentic content for maximum effect. 



Upon completion, each of the video posts were launched as dark posts as healthcare-related content on TikTok can only target an 18+ audience. With these ad capabilities alone being leveraged, the campaign ran for three months and yielded impressive results. 

3,746,486 total impressions, 4,465 total website clicks.

Videos yielded several poignant comments from viewers backing the need to address this is very real problem and supporting the overall mission of    the campaign.

The first campaign was so successful, CHPA has commissioned a 2nd influencer campaign added.