Strategy & Inspiration for Digital Marketing & Social Media Experts
ALL hours are business hours

At LiveWorld, with our history rooted in real-time online interaction and online events, we’ve always taken a 24-hour, global point of view. As our clients deal with the proliferation of customer content flowing their way, we’re seeing numerous pain points emerge: Need for brand protection through timely interaction consistent with customer expectations and values Exponentially […]
Read moreThe Facebook approach to location

Facebook has announced a sweeping set of sharing and privacy changes for users, including a “phasing out” of its check-in based structure for Places. While dwarfed by the news of Steve Jobs departure from Apple, these changes have many pundits declaring defeat for Facebook and a triumph for Foursquare in the field of location-based services. I disagree. I think Facebook is […]
Read moreShould we close our website community in favor of Facebook?

Sometimes people talk about being on Facebook like it’s the great new thing — and traditional community forums are the boring old thing. They question the value of the traditional central website community in light of the prominence of Facebook on the social media landscape. Let’s stop and think about it: The question isn’t as simple as “should we […]
Read more10 questions for social media customer service

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson. We regularly work with our brand clients on scenario and workflow planning for customer service and brand response on social channels, particularly Facebook. Social media is transforming customer service, and we find that many brands are still catching up and adapting to the always-on, public, and conversational nature of […]
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