Strategy, advice, and inspiration for digital marketing and social media experts
Electronic Etiquette: Social Media Manners
You’ve thrown a party to celebrate a milestone birthday and—sometime between the champagne and the crudités—you make a speech about the wonders of, well, you. You boast about giving up simple carbs and the time you shoveled your neighbor’s driveway without being asked. And watch how many push-ups I can do! You wouldn’t do that, […]
Read moreSocial Media and E-Commerce Will Reshape the In-Store Experience
Forty-three percent of adults say they’ve participated in showrooming, according to a Harris Poll from November 2012. Yet, tomorrow’s biggest headline isn’t going to be about how e-commerce cannibalized brick-and-mortar stores. The future lies in integration and leveraging the best of each to grow revenue across the board. Today’s savviest retailers are rethinking the very […]
Read moreSXSW Sneak Peek – Social Media Engagement: It’s Time To Evolve
Does This Sound Familiar? If you’re a social media marketer, you probably spend a lot of time trying to create engaging content and might suspect you’re wasting time and money and you could be doing better. You write Facebook status updates asking people to “like” one thing or “comment” on another. You post photos of […]
Read moreOutsourcing Community Management: Is It Out or In?
It’s interesting to read Arik Hanson’s take on the Social Fresh Community Manager Report. He identifies 5 trends, based on the Social Fresh data, noting that “more brands are understanding they shouldn’t outsource community management.” Here’s another point of view: It’s critical that community managers have a deep understanding of the business they represent, are able to interpret […]
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