Strategy & Inspiration for Digital Marketing & Social Media Experts
Top CMO Challenges in Social Media—What’s Your Take?

Most of the Fortune 500 CMOs understand the benefits of social media—more brand awareness for the marketing buck, customer service improvements, heightened customer loyalty, and growth in sales, to name a few. As marketing expert Jeff Hayzlett said to me when I interviewed him recently, “CMOs know social media is the right thing to do. […]
Read moreWho’s Doing Social Media Marketing Right?

As I gear up for the NG CMO Summit in September, I sat down to interview marketing expert Jeffrey Hayzlett. Jeff was one of the first CMOs, most famously at Kodak, to “get” social and successfully leverage its power to redefine brands and build customer relationships. Today he’s better known as a global business celebrity, […]
Read moreWhat Social Media Marketers Can Learn from Taxi Cabs in Havana, Cuba

Taking a cab in Havana, Cuba, is nothing like taking one in the United States. The taxis there are communal, but it’s not like being in U.S.-based public transportation either. In New York, for example, people on the subway read, listen to music or thumb their iPads. There’s not much eye contact and striking up […]
Read morePeter Friedman – The Price of Business Interview

LiveWorld is a social content marketing company providing moderation, insight and engagement. A trusted partner to the world’s largest brands, LiveWorld provides a competitive advantage through management of user content, amplifying brand presence and increasing customer loyalty. Kevin Price talks to LiveWorld’s Chairman and CEO, Peter Friedman, to find out more about the company. What […]
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