Audio: Peter Kim on social media marketing
October 7, 2008

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson
Peter Kim generally isn’t afraid to stir things up, and today was no exception.
Peter led a spirited discussion this morning about the value of social media marketing at Austin’s third Social Media Breakfast, a monthly breakfast event I co-organize with Dell’s Amie Paxton.
Some questions Peter had us thinking about:
- Does social media marketing matter in the first place? For example: There was outrage over Wal-Mart’s fake blog two years ago, but has that stopped anyone from buying from the retail giant?
- Does social media marketing scale? Responding to a few tweets on behalf of a company is one thing, but responding to hundreds a day is quite another. Are organizations willing to make social media engagement a more integrated part of their communications efforts?
- Why are enterprises still blocking employee access to social computing tools and applications? Peter gave the example of an employee expected to carry out a Facebook campaign for his employer — and not having access to Facebook from the office.
- Do A-list bloggers really care about “the conversation?” If the big-name bloggers aren’t jumping in and answering the comments themselves, are they really blogging? Or, are they using the blog as just another marketing channel?
Audio conversation with Peter Kim
After the breakfast, I sat down with Peter to dig into his thinking on social media marketing. Click below to download/stream our conversation.