6 Social Media Trends of 2013 and What They Mean for the Future

Our team at LiveWorld recently brainstormed what we see as the top social media trends looking back at 2013 — not just to play quarterbacks, but as an exercise to help us look forward at what’s coming next year. This is our combined take, based on our experiences working with over 175 brands from the largest companies in the world and managing over 4,400 social properties across over 50 countries.
2013 Trends:
1. Social media continued its meteoric rise in influence.
Oftentimes, social media surpassed the influence of traditional broadcast media in broad cultural arenas including news, politics, entertainment and marketing. Most of the year’s biggest financial stories were in social acquisitions and IPOs. Advertisers increasingly took an integrated cross-channel approach across social media and traditional channels, and brands increasingly turned to social to deploy customer service and support.
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